Inside Mac Games Volume 3 #11
IMG 32 Nov 1995.iso
More Goodies
Goodies from October
Scenarios and Add-Ons
Realmz Scenarios
Prelude to Pestilence 2.2.2ƒ
Bug Report Form
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Text File
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Realmz™ ©1994 -95 by Tim Phillips
Fantasoft, LLC
P.O. Box 14261
Madison, WI 53714-0261
Bug Report Form
If you find a bug in a Fantasoft product and would like to see it fixed please fill out the form below and e-mail it to the correct address.
For bugs in: e-mail us at:
Realmz scenario driver Fantasoft1@aol.com
Realmz scenario "Prelude to Pestilece" 74163.45@Compuserve.com
Realmz scenario "Assault on Giant Mountain" Fantasoft1@aol.com
Realmz scenario "Castle in the Clouds" foley@nucleus.msae.wisc.edu
Realmz PC Editor Fantasoft1@aol.com
Description of bug:
Game situation when bug occurred:
Other relevant information:
Version of Realmz: (See "About Realmz" under the Apple menu)
Type of Mac used:
System Information: (Version/Inits/Extensions you are running)
Other relevant hardware (e.g., Graphics accelerator card, etc.):
The following information is certainly not necessary but will help give me an idea how far and wide Realmz has spread.
Your city/state/country:
Where you found Realmz:
Did you pay ANYTHING for Realmz if you found it at a commercial outlet and if so, where did you get it?
Thanks for your help in making Realmz the best fantasy RPG game out there.
Tim Phillips
Fantasoft, LLC
Your Mac Fantasy Factory